ChrisVulcan wrote:
The only real data I have about autism and religion is from bloggers, so I wanted to get some actual responses. Tell me what your experience was.
I am an atheist and i've always been at least agnostic. Therefore, i'm not sure what kind of experiences you'd like to know about coming from atheists/agnostics.
Also, if you are so inclined: what religion were you raised in, if any? Do you now follow a different faith than the one you were raised in? If so, why?
My parents are secular though the term areligious may fit them better. The issue of religion never really came up when I was growing up.
Even my grandparents were more or less secular even though my paternal ones were nominally Catholic.
My maternal grandfather is a jewish atheist or a "non-observant jew" if you prefer.
I personally have a great interest in esoteric spirituality and i've read
quite a bit about the occult and mysticism.
I take all that with a major grain of salt as well though.
I am quite hostile to dogmatic religions of any sort and I suppose I could be defined as an anti-theist or a "strident atheist".
The concept of a personal god with all these "omni" qualities is pretty
revolting to me considering the world that we live in.
I don't think less of most religious people though...they have their reasons for believing as they do and most are no less well-intentioned and intelligent than anybody else.
Surely some are a**holes....but they would be a**holes if they were atheists too.