Ok ready for this, my brother is 25, i'm 23, he still doesnt understand autism completely, how sad is that haha. I had a very stimmy day today, my sensory was all out of wack, so i wore my body sock which i jus got so excited hehehe, but also I didnt even speak, literally just noise, no words basically the whole day, i was so frustrated, thank gosh for sign and pecs, my brain jus gave up on me hahaha. When i did gain back my verbalness, it was echolalia or one worders, crazzzy. I was climbing on everything(i use to be a huge climber as a child, not as much as an adult, but lately that kick is weirdly coming back haha), banging my whole body against the floor crazy like literally throwing my whole self in the air and against the rug and floor as hard as i can(feels good what can i say hahaha), doing my usual head banging against the walls, jumpin around screeching swinging my head about like i was a bobblehead lol, flapping really fast, no eye contact at all...crazzzy .
Anyways my brother goes to me why do you need a body sock? and why do you do those things 24/7?(unfortunely since he only knows like 3 sign, i couldnt explain much to him ) and then told his girlfriend who said she didnt understand me when i tried to sign to her what i needed... that I never ever spoke right, said "that on a good day she prob speaks as good as an 5year old, and I don't know why!" Which i guess is true idk i mean ive heard some pretty well speaking 5 years before so idk what hes basing that on lol, heck met a couple toddlers who speak fluently in 2 languages hahaha.
So my brother knows what autism is, its a developmental disorder, we all know that, he knows i'm not always the high functionest, and that it affects the way i socialize and live my life. Other then that hes clueless. So my question is, in everybodys own words here, what is autism? to you? how would you describe it, throw the DSM away and just tell me in your own words what autism is in your eyes? And if its okay with everybody i want to make a paper of some of your descriptions on what autism is and put it on my frig to help my brother more understand
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated