Yeah, I laugh at things I say. I laugh when I remember something funny I've said. I laugh when no one is around or when I wasn't talking---that gets weird looks, but I have a movie theater in my brain, and sometimes (okay, a lot of times) funny stuff just pops up and I laugh. I just laugh OUTSIDE the normal context for laughter. I don't mind it. A lot of times it means I'm considered happy because I usually have a smile on my face (although I never notice that I'm smiling until someone points it out. Weird, huh?) Plus, my sense of humor is decidedly different than that of most of the population, so when I laugh, they laugh, if only to make it seem like they got the joke. (Of course, explaining the joke, especially if it's a pun or some other form of literalist humor is practically impossible and usually ends in rolled eyes and some form of "just because you're smart....") Whatever.
As far as LOL and other things like that go, I really do not like the Newspeak and type out EVERYTHING unless it is an acronym like CIA or FBI or AWOL...that's just me, though. Even on text messages on a cell phone I type EVERYTHING out, all while using correct punctuation and capitalization.
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.