SteelMaiden wrote:
Are any of you good at memorising random things? I am currently learning train routes off by heart. I used to know pi to 300 decimal places. During my A-levels I memorised chemistry data tables and when I was in primary school I did things like learning the Beaufort Wind Scale off by heart and all the different types of clouds.
Thanks for sharing the type of incredible memory you have.
Very few persons can memorize pi to 300 decimal places (my understanding).
I memorized pi to the limit of: pi = 3.1416 = five digits.
My attention digit span as a child was so short that I could not easily add more than 3 digit numbers (using pencil and paper). Also, my attention letter span was about three syllables. Anything over three syllables was too long a word for my attention span.
Years later I was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive and found a medicine which works a little for me (not a cure).
The medicine (not a cure) allows me to use seven or more digits numbers easily (1,000,000 etc.) as well as to comprehend words like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Paying Attention
Working memory/Short term memory
Medium term memory
Long term memory
Comprehension ... ntion.html
I have a good recognition memory (imperfect) but a weaker recall memory (more imperfect). (Paying attention) (Memory)
Question of the day:
How do you spell Warren Buffett?
$40,000,000,000 plus (2009).
How do you spell Charlie Chaplin?