buryuntime wrote:
DandelionFireworks wrote:
Where do you get that about being thinner? Am I just an outlier, then? What about Callista?
Studies should be done. Definitely.
The aspie stereotype is tall, thin, with strange eyes and a large head. But really, I think it can go either way.
Sheldon Cooper.
The typical aspie is also white by the way.
Since height, head size and eye color/shape are genetically determined and Autism is not linked with trisomy or lack of chromosome but is still genetic, I guess some population tend to be more autistic than others, yet I am pretty sure you can find autistic people anywhere, since many countries do not diagnose much their people, it would be hard to tell that autistic people usually fit a stereotype. I do agree that behaviour also influence weight and height by the way, so we could always take a survey to know whether most aspies are shorter or taller than genetically expected since eating habits influence one's height.
As for weight, some people tend to be fatter than others genetically, I do not know how to explain that in English but it is linked with the amount of cells (those which stock fat) one have at birth, children in a family were people are fatter than average or on the higher end of the average BMI tend to have more fat cells and be fatter as they grow up, though it also depends on one's metabolism. Some persons cannot put on weight and are naturally underweight while other will naturally be overweight (most of the time they will not be obese though).
Eating behaviours also influence a lot you physical appearance and weight. I used to be overweight when I was younger because I suffered from EDNOS (and tend to always eat the same thing), I ate a lot in order to "forget" my problems, it was followed by a week of anorexia. Though I know have a normal BMI of 22, I can tell you that it has changed my physical appearance.
Since Aspies tend to either eat too much or not enough, we can guess that they are more likely to be either thinner than average or fatter, depending on their metabolism.
As for eye colour, I do not believe it to be linked with Autism. I have light-coloured eyes (blue-grey-green mixed) because my mother has blue-green eyes and my father has blue-grey eyes, actually, many of my relatives do not have brown eyes or dark eyes as we have ancestors from Northen Europe (and Spain, I have to admit it). My father and his family are also very tall, it is true that most people who have a borderline asperger personality are in my father's family though.