ColdBlooded wrote:
I know that young bearded dragons often do a sort of hand-waving thing(which i call the "jedi mind trick"), that is sort of like a stim.
[youtube][/youtube] There's a video i found, but i'm sure there are a lot more out there because it's a common submissive behavior with the little ones. It's really cute!
I've personaly never seen her do that. When she's not upset she wants to be with me constantaly and is like a living version of one of these.
I also think she is convinced she is a dog. If she is outside with and if they charge and bark at something she will puff out her beard and run in the same direction as them. Either she is trying to chase away the "intruder" as well or telling the dogs to shut up. I've taken her to pet shops to meet other bearded dragons and she shows no intrest in them. One, which I assume was the dominant male of a group went crazy bearding her but she did not beard back. Perhaps she has no social awarness.
I'm not weird, you're just too normal.