Sounds like aspergers?
I have asked a similar question before with bad results. Please respond in detail. As a child my mom always told me I acted like I had ADD even though I had never been diagnosed (ADD and ADHD run in the family). Then when I got older she told me I acted like I had OCD. I don't think I fit the description for either that well, so I looked up conditions similar to the two and got the commonality of aspergers. Here's a list of my symptoms. (I'm a 15 year old girl by the way).
- I hate touching people
-I have a hard time remembering names
-I have a hard time remembering faces, if two people are the same nationality and have similar haircuts it confuses me to no end
-I'm very clumsy
-I slouch constantly, even when I'm standing up
-I usually say the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about how it will affect others
-I'm often told that I'm immature
-I annoy people because I talk a lot and loudly
-I laugh when something bad happens or when I'm scared even though I don't think it's funny
-I constatntly am told I don't show emotion enough and am not empathetic
-I get tounge-tied and am not really sure how to explain my feelings
-I have a little bit of an obbsesion with elephants. I collect them, research them, and often bore people when talking about them. (I switch between animals every couple of years)
-I have a specific shirt for each day of the week
-I never wear matching socks, and the one with the most amount of colors always goes on my right foot
-I'm in many honors classes in hs
-No matter how hard I try, I can't see other peoples point of view
-I understand when someones mad or expressing emotions pretty well, but its something I have to think about rather than just know
-People think I'm unsympathetic and don't care about them even though I do
-I have very few friends
-I hate large crowds and socializing. I would rather stay at home then go out with a friend
-I have very sensitive smell
-I'm a picky eater because I hate the texture of a lot of foods
-During the school year I have the exact same schedule throughout the day, including leaving the house at exactly 7:38
-I have a very hard time getting to sleep at night, I could be exhausted and not able to go to sleep for hours
-I won't notice something big like new posters all around school, but then I'll notice small stuff like a new clock in the library
-I love chewing on stuff, a lanyard, straw, gum, pencils, basically anything
-I tear things apart without even realizing I'm doing it, like a flower or decorations or paper
-I do random things with my voice like randomly growl, but I don't do i on purpose
-I always procrastinate
-I'm terrible at sign language, ugh, to much moving
-can't spell out loud to save my life
-I dress very modestly and have better morals than most people my age
-I always follow rules
-I'm a very logical person who likes to think things out and analyze them
But then there are also symptoms of Aspergers I don't have
-I understand and use facial and body language alright
-I understand sarcasm and metaphors
-My voice expression is average
So what does it sound like to you?