Anyone had liver pain from Adderall
Hiya Guys/Girls
I've been taking Adderall on and off for around two years.
I've been trying to get away from Adderall, but my doctor keeps telling me to take it even though I don't want to.
When I take it, I end up with pancreatic pain, diarrhea, swelling, paranoia and my hands itch like crazy. I even think I smell differently and my breath seems to smell kind of like amonia.
I know what most of these signs indicate, however my doctor says that I'm fine, even though he has never done any blood work or taken my BP.
Have any of you experienced these symptoms with Adderall?
Thanks for your advice.
You have been taking Adderall for 2 years now and I would doubt that this pain has anything to do with the Adderall unless you have been taking more or less than prescribed, and if you have abruptly started or stopped taking the medication. If these symptoms come on suddenly, especially right after you have taken a pill, you may be overdosing, or your body cannot tolerate the medications. If you have severe symptoms, you should go to an emergency room. In any event, you should avoid abruptly starting and stopping and randomly taking any psychiatric medication, what you need to do is take whatever medication you are taking as directed by your physician, rather than the latter (e.g. one pill per day rather than 2 this week and 3 next week, etc). I hope this helps.
I don't know about liver pain, but Adderal would give me terrible stomach/gut pain if I didn't take it in the middle of a meal (or with half a banana if I couldn't do that). My digestive system seemed very sensitive to it. It also gave me anxiety attacks, at times.
If it's really painful or unpleasant, and nothing is helping (food), I'd be concerned that your doctor isn't listening to you. FWIW, IME doctors tend to respond better to "it's hurts/it's uncomfortable" better than theories as to why. I think they're more so expecting emotional aspects of distress, rather than calm theorizing about pain/etc.
I was on it for 9 years, roughly on 30mg when the XR came out and 65mg for several years beforehand. It's a horrible drug honestly. I exhibited all the symptoms of a meth addict before it exited my body entirely. Even the schizophrenic-like side effects. Adderall can destroy your liver, especially if you take tylenol or any type like tylenol, which also destroys your liver at all.
I'm no doctor, but if it's destroying vital organs, it's time to stop.
--- ?Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss ---
Yeah, I agree; after two years, I'm pretty sure it's not the Adderall.
If you're misinterpreting minor problems as something major, which often happens with hypersensitivity, you could actually be totally fine. However, I'm assuming this is something that can be checked with a blood test. If you're having pain, your doctor can probably just check to see if anything's swollen and where exactly your pain is; and if it's warranted, do the aforementioned blood test. Give them a rundown of your exact symptoms, without mentioning Adderall, and they'll know whether or not it needs to be checked into any further.
Could you simply be getting stomach irritation? That's a much more common issue with medications of all sorts. Have you tried, for example, taking it with milk? If you keep getting this irritation from the stuff, you should really talk to the doctor about switching to some other stimulant. There are multiple types to try, including extended-release ones and the non-stimulant Strattera.
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