FAss wrote:
Elderwanda, thank you for posting. I am actually trying to find out more about people like you who were mistakenly diagnosed with AS by an inexperienced health-care professional. When that happens, it is very difficult to backtrack, like you did. I strongly suspect that there are many such people, but I would like to gather more evidence.
You've misread her post. She was never diagnosed by a health professional at all. SHE, herself, was wondering if she might have it.
I am curious, however, why you suspect there are many people who have been given the label when they should not have been, and I am curious as to why you are seeking evidence. This actually explains a bit of what I've noticed in your other posting. Maybe we can split into a new thread if you post something that might actually be of interest to our membership?
As someone who came to this board as a parent, I know that with kids, accurate diagnosis is highly important, because the label dictates the actions. We've seen a lot of missed AS, that is the most common; occasionally there is an AS diagnosis that is later reversed, but that doesn't seem to have had very many disastrous side effects, not liked missed AS does.
With adults, it is often more for self-knowledge than anything, which is why so many of our members don't have a professional diagnosis at all.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).