Jeyradan wrote:
...I was in the classroom and I have no idea what I said, but the teacher suddenly told me, "You know, you're very forward." Not really understanding, I said, "Okay." She looked sternly at me and said, "That's not a good thing. It might be okay as a child, but it's not okay now." (I only said okay because I didn't want to be seen as disagreeing with her, and I hadn't really any idea what her statement meant.)
It might have been helpful if she'd EXPLAINED what she meant rather than just made a scolding remark that meant absolutely nothing.
Jeyradan wrote:
Nowadays, as an adult, my slip-ups are all in the realm of carrying a joke too far, or inadvertently saying something that in retrospect turns out to be nothing like what I had intended. It's a little bit social, a little bit language (it's harder the more I try to get away from scripting), and a little bit simply having trouble processing others' statements and my own responses in time. When it's a choice between taking an abnormally long time to respond, or responding quickly (but often wrongly), I still haven't quite mastered the skill of choosing the former, rather than the latter, option.
I try doing both...often at the wrong times.
The existence of the leader who is wise
is barely known to those he leads.
He acts without unnecessary speech,
so that the people say,
'It happened of its own accord.' -Tao Te Ching, Verse 17