alexptrans wrote:
Sometimes it's hard for me to understand people directly, so I do one of two things: first, I sort of "translate" what they say into charts, diagrams, maps, and timelines, and second, I view mental subtitles of what they say - I'm so used to doing it that it takes no effort at all, and reading the subtitles is a lot easier than listening to the words themselves. I was just wondering if other people do that too.
As someone is speaking, my mental translator/visual and schematic rendering subsystem/filing and storage system are furiously at work, trying to make sense of any meaningful sequences of sounds I succeed in filtering through the background noise. On many days, I can discern enough words and do all of this fast enough to achieve near-real-time conversation. Even then, there can be a significant delay, perhaps up to 15 seconds, between when someone actually says something and when it is "registered".
Throw in other concurrent conversations or other background noise, or just mental overload from trying to listen intently for too long, and you wind up talking to an unresponsive, zoned-out autistic person – it's shutdown time.