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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 Dec 2004, 6:12 pm

I was just talking with my friend today about remembering wierd things, and I was telling her how I always remember numbers, in particular numerical sequences, and as a result try to convert everything to a numeric sequence and try and find comparisons in it.

For example when I get bored I convert letters to numbers like a=1 etc, and then look for sequences in the words, like hello for example h=8, e=5, l=12, = l=12, o=15 altogether = 52 and 52 /2 = 26 which equals the number of letters in the alphabet, 26/2 = 13 and 8+5 = 13 which co- incidentally are h and e which are first 2 letters of hello.

Then using 52 as total, divide it by 2 = 26, minus 2, as there are 2 l's = 24 and 12+12 = 24 , which equal the 2 l's

Then if u turn the 15 for the o around u get 51, add 1 as there is 1 o and you get 52, divide by 2 and you're back with your orginal alphabet.

Does anybody else do anything like this? :?:

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14 Dec 2004, 6:49 pm

Fibonacci series

........................................and so on....

Before I even knew what this was I did this out one day to several thousand on paper

(edit: formatting didn't work)

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14 Dec 2004, 7:08 pm

Anna (from the books by Fynn) did things with numbers like that, I believe.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 Dec 2004, 7:13 pm

@Scoots - that's pretty interesting, it kind of reminds me of a matrix multiplication.

You never know when an old calendar might come in handy. Sure, it's not 1985 now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Blue Jay
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14 Dec 2004, 7:54 pm

One of things I do is what I call digit-adding 'till I get a single digit:


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 Dec 2004, 11:13 pm

I take bits of music that have stuck with me for some reason or other (i listen to classical music, nothing with discernable lyrics) and tap them out on the first 3 fingers of my right hand, and try to get them to end on a particular finger, either by repetition, or by varying the music until the number of notes is a multiple of three.

I also do mathematical pattern stuff on my calculator when im bored, its one of those graphing calculators, very good for that kind of stuff, like seeing how many times you can take the square rot of something before the calculator gives up and calls it 1. I also write little encryption programs on my calc, and send messages to myself, and think of strange ways to encode/decode them



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15 Dec 2004, 2:21 am

macvincent wrote:
One of things I do is what I call digit-adding 'till I get a single digit:


i do that, macvincent - with bus tickeys (when i used to use buses), car number plates, phone numbers, dates, all sorts. and then i see what significance the single has in the numerology bit of the Kabbala.


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15 Dec 2004, 2:34 am

I do that a lot. I play with Fibonacci's series (I went up to ), or I convert words into numbers and try to find something particular in the number I find. When I am given a phone number, I try to find a regularity in them, like its starts with 22 and ends with 88, and 8 is 2 to the power of 3, or I check whether the number in question is symetrical.

Nicolas (spark).


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15 Dec 2004, 4:16 am

I am not interested in numbers, but instead, in words. I enjoy looking things up in the dictionary, finding a word in the definiton or in the synonyms, and then looking that up, and repeating the process until I have a complete understanding of a concept. is one of my favorite sites.


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15 Dec 2004, 8:45 am

I keep on going over the AA Prayer in my head, because I can relate to it, even though, I'm not a Member of AA. I do this because I know that there are some things about me that I can't change.

The AA Prayer

Dear God
Give me the power to
ghange the things that
I can change
and to leave the things that
I can't change
and the Wisdom to
tell the difference

I think that how it goes, but I'm not really sure.


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15 Dec 2004, 5:32 pm

Wow, this is some crazy stuff. Who would have thought people would play around with numbers of all things like this in their heads?

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Dec 2004, 6:42 pm

I never tried it but it sounds fun

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Dec 2004, 11:34 am

I like to play with calculators, doing various math operations, and trying to find patterns, series limits, and stuff like that.

I'm especially good at remembering phone numbers, hearing the number one time is usually enough for me to remember it for years, even if I don't use it.

But when it comes to names, I forget names quite often, even of those who I see frequently.

Does anyone else have problems with names?

Blue Jay
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16 Dec 2004, 5:23 pm

I have terrible rote memory for everything exept music. I use a mnemonic system to remember peoples' names. :roll:


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16 Dec 2004, 8:56 pm

You people sound like my friend Tim, who speaks math as a second language!! ! I am more on the creative-logic scale of intelligence but I still find these observations quite interesting.


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16 Dec 2004, 9:41 pm

ub3r wrote:
I like to play with calculators, doing various math operations, and trying to find patterns, series limits, and stuff like that.

I'm especially good at remembering phone numbers, hearing the number one time is usually enough for me to remember it for years, even if I don't use it.

But when it comes to names, I forget names quite often, even of those who I see frequently.

Does anyone else have problems with names?

I can remember historical, actors, writers, and such, but unless I know have seen, am really familiar with, or know someone really well, I don't remember names. I know them to look at them but not know their name, even with relatives, and sometimes even when I do know them well, I don't always remember.

I can pretty much draw maps from almost any part of the world from almost any time from memory, even I have not seen the map for many years. I've done that quite often to play war games on paper and in my head. (That is one of the types of doodle sketches I do)