League_Girl wrote:
It was said over at AFF by Amy or Gareth, I don't remember who said it. It was a while ago and it be too much of a hassle to go looking for that post because I don't remember what thread it was in.
Hmm - lots of outraged comments on that WP link, based only on what the article says, but the last I think is the most accurate:
Realistically, I think everyone needs to keep an open mind when it comes to 'media stories', as they have a tendency to portray only one side of the story. We do not know all the details, only what the media choose to tell us, for example, she may have a history of severe mental illness, we do not know.
Certain sections of the UK media
love a good scare story and many related details and truths get dumped in the haste to make one.
Although children can be taken immediately on an "at risk" basis, there has to be hard evidence to justify this and to "make it stick" (single unemployed mother on drugs, abuse etc) and AS on its own simply wouldn't cut it.
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything reporting what actually happened as a result of the court case - which probably means "nothing at all; the case got thrown out and the baby was returned".
Newspapers here don't generally report positive outcomes unless it involves a rescued donkey/rollerskating duck or something
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.