eddie82 wrote:
I have participated before. It was actually a lot of fun. My social anxiety was bad the day before and during the day leading up to it. This was in 2003 I think and we had about 20-25 "shavees". When it was my turn, I sat in the chair and got clean shaven. The worst part of it for me was the fact that when I was done, the lady put something that felt like Wild Turkey on my scalp. I assume it was some sort of after shave. Afterwards I got a giant green leprechaun hat. I will try to find a pic.
Where are you doing it at? How many participants? I forced myself to do it and just kept telling myself it was for a good cause.
So there wasn't any kind of theatrical interaction required? Just walk up, sit down and get shaved? I'm in a mid-sized city with 179 participants and I am going up in the first ten minutes
Thanks for the response
Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.