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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Aug 2010, 6:10 pm

Hey !

Do you ever feel like everything about your personality is just another trait of asperger's syndrome ?

When I found out I had aspergers, at first I was relieved. I thought "that explains so much" and I felt really good about it.
But now, after reading a lot on the subject, I feel more like a syndrome than a person.

Does anybody else ever feel this way ?

sorry if my english isn't perfect.


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28 Aug 2010, 6:17 pm

Yes. Sometimes I do I think OH s**t! Why do I have to have Asperger's (I tend to be rude/say the wrong thing etc.) So I think WHY ME! So at times yes AS IS ME! Which can be depressing then I thing of the silver lining. What is that you may say? SPECIAL INTEREST!" While NT's are busy/socially focused etc. I LIVE BREATH AND AM COLLEGE! IT IS MY SOUL MY LIFE MY BLOOD MY OXYGEN!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! ! I FOCUS 1,000%! on School work and this behavior is viewed as weird/strange but I'm the one focusing on classes good grades etc. while others are busy with there BF/GF/friends etc. So YA SPECIAL INTEREST!! !! !! !! !! !! !


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28 Aug 2010, 6:35 pm

Not really. Sure it defines a few things about me - more than a few things maybe - but I still have free choice on what my favourite things / places / activities are and those things are not choices dictated by AS. I like this movie and that movie for my own reasons - and though I'm sure continuity issues might be a common problem across the board, I'll bet some people don't like / dislike the same ones. Doesn't decide what I read, what I think of when I go sit in the park at 2 am and look at the stars, doesn't decide that the chubby blonde who works at the grocery store checkout is cute, or that olives are very very scary and that the wrong variety of tomato juice can taste like crap...

It might push me towards a certain lifestyle, but there's a 'me' in there.
How many of you would claim Octavia Butler as your favourite author, The Eels as your favourite musical artist and Transformers as your favourite toy? See! I'm all alone unique!

(I think?)


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28 Aug 2010, 6:53 pm

In some ways everything I've done and most of my personality can be explained by ADHD but that doesn't mean that I'm just a set of symptoms.

THEY made a label for people like us, we didn't so we can choose how much we'd like to associate with it. We'd still be the same kind of people and always have been before the labels existed.

I try to go out on a limb and do things that aren't typical of my personality sometimes. It's a learning experience and I think it's good to venture out of one's comfort zone when they can handle it.


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28 Aug 2010, 8:37 pm

hmm, thats an interesting perspective...


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28 Aug 2010, 8:43 pm

My 14 year old son who's on the spectrum has recently told me that he feels more like a project than a person.

He was saying this in relation to school staff and he was awfully p*ssed about it. Don't blame him. :x

Nothing much shocks please stop trying...yawn...


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29 Aug 2010, 1:07 am

No, because my mom says I'd still have the same basic personality even if I were an NT. The only difference would be that I'd be able to function better in society.


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29 Aug 2010, 7:02 am

Sometimes, having a name for my weirdness feels comforting because I am not utterly alone in this world of social rules which most of them dont make any sense, but other times I feel like I am either not N/t enough or aspie enough to fit in any neat catagory.
It kinda reminds me of when I was in jr high and I was placed in a deaf classroom because I am hearing impared...but to them, I was not deaf enough since I was not fluent in sign language, so I was ignored by them and I was ignored by the hearing students because they thought I was deaf. The ones that knew I was not deaf thought I was weird

Sometimes I feel that way about being an aspie, I do have some difficulty, but it is not as debilitating as some folks here. I just view it as part of who I am, but I dont see myself as part of asperger's.

But as far as feeling like a syndrome.... it is part of who you are, but you are not aspergers personified because it only makes up how you relate with others, but it does not determine your personal views, tastes, energy level, what you find funny or not. It does not make up your perspective on many issues of our society, what you find to be moral or not, nor does it determine what you choosee to excel in and what you find irrevalant.

Think of it like this,
aspies are like butterflies... and N/T's are like all other flying bugs.
yes there are somethings butterflies all have in common...which make them different from other bug species, but on the other hand butterflies differ very much in color, shape of wings, pattern of wings, migrational habits, preferance in food, larve types, and populations.

In the same way, there is alot about you that is shaped by AS but not completely a result of it.
If you really look around here, you will find a great diversity of folks
Some of us are politically left, others right, and others could care less
Some of us are creative, others technical, others math inclined and others do very poor in math.
Some of us are emotional and passionate while others are very low key and logic- minded
Some of us are comical, while others are very serious...and others are both
Some of us communicate better through writing...while others comunicate best through acting out thoughts and feelings.
Some of us are meek, and delicate while others are tough skinned and will tell anyone what they think regardless of what ppl think.
Some of us are very "typically" aspie while others break the mold.

Although you share alot of similarities with other AS people, there is still alot about you and everyone else here that is not part of the disorder but a result of family history, genetics, racial subculture, experiences, education, peer relations, and social economic status. Lets say AS is a looking glass through which you view the world. How well you see through a looking glass is determined by the power of lens, but it does not determine the subject in which you see through the looking glass.
That which you see is what makes you an individual.

best wishes,


All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin


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29 Aug 2010, 9:14 am

My wife can go there - she was complaining in very similar terms yesterday. I think she can feel reduced to a phenomenon.

Closest I get was when for a while I thought I was doomed by the genes I caught from my ancestors.


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29 Aug 2010, 10:17 am

Yeah, I can identify. After a while I realized that the personality comes in according to how you respond to all those things. Lots of us share similar traits, but our responses to them can vary considerably. I found that a little reassuring.


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29 Aug 2010, 11:57 am

What we are now is the sum of various factors, all of them beyond our control. What we can control is what we become in the future.

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29 Aug 2010, 12:08 pm

You are a person, if you feel reduced to a syndrome, its maybe due to introspection and study of asperger on YOUR part.

Focus away from the disorder