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20 May 2010, 11:59 pm

I think is one of the more important films of all time for anybody, and especially those with disabilities.
Me being an 18 yr old with Aspergers , when I'm feeling depressed , this movie raises my spirit.
It showed me anything is achievable if you want it bad enough.
Was reading another thread about people not getting good pay, and that made me decide to post this.

Who here has seen this film?

What did/didn't you like about it?

How do you think it relates to our everyday lives?


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21 May 2010, 12:16 am

I remember watching it, a long time ago. It was a really good movie. :)

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21 May 2010, 12:23 am

loved it. very human SF. regarding the disability one can observe it like the other "physically ideal" guy wasn't "mentally ideal" and vice versa.
probably tweaking the mental functions would be the last one to be addressed with genetic engineering but i have not double it is going to go there too. once.


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21 May 2010, 12:29 am

I feel I have a lot in common with the main character. when I was little(3) I wanted to be an astronaut, and I also used to make a ton of flying machines/wings and try to jump from high heights until I was about 5-6. I also feel that each and every day when you go out in public you have to act. The main character Anton/Eugene is always trying to not be found out,he is different, not as genetically superior, yet intellectually he is beyond all of his Co-workers. Makes me think in a few years when I take up a career, I may have to be the most artificial fake I can produce to get ahead. Just a thought


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21 May 2010, 12:43 am

The job interview in the movie isn't a whole lot different than reality. If you have a visible disability or seem odd, forget about getting a job that there is competition for. Expect to get stuck doing menial jobs that don't pay a living wage. In the unlikely event you do get such a job, you can't ever let your guard down and fail to act like the persona you used to get the job in the first place.

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21 May 2010, 1:00 am

Have seen it a few times. Excellent movie. Agree that it's important too.

What did you like about it?

I liked how they approached human nature and the nature of human societies in a very realistic way. -- That the world stratefies into the genetically engineered as an upper-class, who are assumed to be better so pervasively that they never have to prove it. And that "better" is not always better: the director of the space program is engineered to be "driven" -- so driven, and apparently lacking in some other qualities that he kills someone who gets in the way of his program.

And how the engineered-guy who was crippled in an accident just has no place in the world at all.

Also liked that the main character, a "god baby" (non-genetically engineered person) suceeds in the end (though it is a little morally dubious. What if he has a heart attack and endanders others during his space flight?)

And the romance theme: that when people date sneak hairs of their partners to underground genetic testing labs -- so that the mongrels like him have no chance. -- but she accepts him anyway. Very sappy, yes, but I liked that.

My fav scene is where the coulsenor who is advising the young couple, says "I chose white skin and blue eyes -- I assumed you wanted your child to have all the advantages he can in life?" -- and the tech saying that is black. :lol:

What didn't you like about it?

Not much about it I didn't like. The fact that he puts people at risk is morally dubious, but also very human. He wants to do what he wants to do, and finds out how to circumvent an unfair system.

The title is a little lame, but probably good for marketing purposes.

How do you think it relates to our everyday lives?

That humans should not be overly-involved in striving for biological human perfection. That there is value in people beyond the surface beauty-strength-IQ sense. That we don't really know how people are valuable until they're already here. Trying to second-guess that leads to reinforcement of base stereotypes, and a society that caters to an elite (who did nothing to get that way). Which just sounds like a pretty form of stagnation.

Useless trivia: the "space company" building is the Marin County Civic Center. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1962.

(Wow, wrote a crapload more than I planned to.)


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21 May 2010, 1:27 am

To: Apple in my eye

Do you ever relate to the anton/eugene type character in your life?
I sure do, I have to fake smiling,laughter,eye contact and interest. must be decent at it because I have friends, but when i don't do those things, its like people think im mentally ret*d or something.


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21 May 2010, 1:32 am

The only jobs I ever got were ones where I was given a performance interview -- "de-solder that transformer, and show me. Now put it back in." Always aced those, but every normal interview or other face-face-only hiring situation was a fail. Temp agency helped -- had to fill out their tests and that interview wasn't too bad, for once. Never had an "real" non-hourly jobs.

One time I was being interviewed by some woman who looked about 24 y.o., which was how old I was at the time. Got the impression she was judging me on the same criteria she'd judge a potential date (which wasn't good). Ugh.


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21 May 2010, 1:41 am

MuayThaiKid wrote:
To: Apple in my eye

Do you ever relate to the anton/eugene type character in your life?
I sure do, I have to fake smiling,laughter,eye contact and interest. must be decent at it because I have friends, but when i don't do those things, its like people think im mentally ret*d or something.

Sure. His compensations seemed more in realm of keeping his story straight rather than interactive stuff, but yeah. If you do it (the 'faking') the world pats you on the back. But the second you let up or slip up, the world drops the hammer. Quite exhausting, and a real mind-f*** after a while.

I'm hoping the younger generations have that at least somewhat better. People need acceptance for who they are. OTOH, the 'faking' skills are important for survival. I think part of what messed me up is I didn't know why the real me seemed so hated (this was before Asperger's existed). I decided I must have an ugly soul or something.

I don't know if the self-advocates are going to change the world soon, but there sure needs to be more understanding about ASD's.


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21 May 2010, 1:47 am

true that man, people misread me and think im angry . or in the case of friends, they will do something to piss me off, and just because I walk their general direction they think im going to attack them or something, just because my face appears emotionless.

I don't care what others say, I would happily get rid of my autism in exchange for better social skills and truly being liked.
would make life a whole lot easier


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21 May 2010, 2:34 am

It's a tough road. A little bit a faking can go a long way, sometimes. Just as long as it doesn't get massively oppressive. Still sucks, tho.

I don't know, but the one really real/close friendship I ever had (it got messed up, unfortunately) was with someone on the spectrum. I also found out the hard way that autistic people can be cliquish and exclusionary, and don't necessarily all like each other.

Still, I wonder if people on the spectrum relate better on average to each other. That one person I could actually 'read,' which made certain NT experiences a lot easier to understand. Didn't have much IRL time with that person, unfortunately.

I've run into some aquaintences(sp?) over the years who liked, rather than were repelled, by certain traits. Few and far between, but not non-existent, at least. Most women seem put off by the guilessness thing. But a few actually seemed to appreciate it (none were available, unfortunately).

Just that one person who 'got it' meant a lot, tho. It was good for breaking that feeling of isolation (at least for me). I've been a hermit for some years now, but I've been wondering lately about hitting some ASD meet-up groups, and maybe even Autreat.


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21 May 2010, 7:22 am

I saw the movie years ago and loved it. I really related to the central character - expecially how my elder brother never had to try to be popular or accepted. but I had to push s**t uphill the whole way.


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21 May 2010, 8:06 am

I first watched it because it came up on a list of movies with Esperanto in them. (It was disappointing in that aspect as the Esperanto was very sparse and mainly consisted of the anouncements on the intercoms in the background.)

Great movie and if you get a chance, you should check out the special features. There's one that's a very moving short tribute to "genetically non-perfect" people who changed the world. If I remember correctly (I own a copy but haven't watched it in years) one of the people mentioned in that special feature was Einstein.

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21 May 2010, 8:54 am

MuayThaiKid - as the N/T mother of a child we strongly suspect is ASD, I cannot claim even for a moment to know what you feel like. However, in re: to faking it, unfortunately, everyone fakes it. As a woman with a job in sales and marketing, I would say that a large part of my compensation is putting on the face people want to see and being for lack of a better word, an uber "sanitized" shell of myself. And while I don't share your hurdles, people often remain an enigma - their actions make no sense, their motivation are hidden or murky, and they are often times a complete contradiction. In short, its easier for the N/T person to fake it, but its still false. Regardless of your label, if you can count 4 true friends in life, you are blessed. The N/T may be surrounded by social acquaintances, and know how to "play the game," but only fools thinks its real.


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21 May 2010, 11:08 am

A good film, but I fear it may eventually become reality.


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21 May 2010, 4:15 pm

John_Browning wrote:
The job interview in the movie isn't a whole lot different than reality. If you have a visible disability or seem odd, forget about getting a job that there is competition for. Expect to get stuck doing menial jobs that don't pay a living wage. In the unlikely event you do get such a job, you can't ever let your guard down and fail to act like the persona you used to get the job in the first place.

Bingo :evil: