Philologos wrote:
Unfortunately, you cannot go back. I cannot again see the city from the angle and with the eyes IO saw it when the family first frove here to settle. And I cannot properly work those words without associating to Genesis and to the Hebrew.
I will try not to get linguotechnical here - but to me I am that I am has no ENGLISH meaning - it is not English, and whatever the Hebrew meant when written does not adequately compute.
Now, I DO understand [and frequently say] I am WHAT I am [though I automatically jump to the traditional I YAM what I YAM, and even go to I yam what a yam.
Which equates roughly to "what you see is what you get, get over it" with reference to myself.
Philologos wrote: What you see is what you get, get over it...
That is so Groucho Marx-like.
. . .
I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
- Groucho Marx