Hi, Does anyone else kind of enjoy vacations but feel that they need a lot of "recovery" time afterwards? For many people, vacation IS recovery time, so this seems odd to them I guess.
I just got back from a few weeks at my parents house, and it was exhausting with all the activities and forced socializing. Luckily, although I haven't been formally diagnosed with AS, my family has researched and believes I have it so they are pretty understanding/accomodating. It was good to catch up with some old friends although sometimes I wanted alone time to read, watch TV, and surf the internet (often no internet at my parents place!) but I was able to spend a lot of relaxing time with my dogs and in nature. But DAMN it feels good to be back to my familiar apartment and back to school...although it's a new schedule, new people and I'm anxious as usual :\
How do you feel about vacations? What happened during your last trip/break and did you need a vacation from vacation afterwards?
I agree with CosmicRuss. The closest thing I have taken to a vacation in many years is a long weekend spent with an old friend (which happened only because I happened to to be up north for a job.
Last year, my boss gave everyone the last two weeks of December off and I found it really frustrating. I was unable to relax because I had obligations with family which broke up the time so I couldn't just head out on a road trip.
I generally don't relax when I have time off because I keep worrying that any thing I choose to do will consume time that I might prefer to spend doing something else. In the end, I do nothing I enjoy. (Yes, I know, it's my own darned fault, but that's what I do)
Never let the weeds get higher than the garden,
Always keep a sapphire in your mind.
(Tom Waits "Get Behind the Mule")
In order for a vacation to qualify as a real vacation for me, I need to go somewhere where the main activity is no activity. I spent three days recently on the coast of Maine. We did nothing but sit, talk, eat, and watch the ocean for three solid days. That, to me, is a real vacation, and beats a week or more of sightseeing, and hitting all the tourist attractions. Been there, done that, many times. Those "vacations," I can't wait to get away from so I can get home and rest! I won't even do those anymore.
I remember a really old polish guy who ran a cobbler shop in my home town. Everyone razzed him because he had a lot of money, and never went anywhere. "Why don't you take a vacation?" they'd ask. And he's answer, "I do! Every weekend. I sit on my front porch with a beer. I'd rather do that than prance all over the world!"
My kind of guy.
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...
I think the last holiday I took was 20 years ago.
Yeah, I definitely prefer familiarity and routine, but I also go to school far from my family and I miss them so I make it a point to visit and vacation with them as often as possible, even if it makes me super uncomfortable.
I did go through a period of several years where I became so phobic/anxious/OCD that I refused to travel, but after some therapy etc. I began to take regular vacations again. Although now I realize that it won't kill me, I still don't enjoy it as much as the rest of my family. I've never travelled alone because I can't afford it but someday I would love to.
CosmicRuss, just out of curiosity are there any places you would like to visit? Do you think you would enjoy traveling alone perhaps?
This is TMI, sorry, but I know what you mean about not being able to relax on vacation.. it's very embarassing and uncomfortable but I usually can't "go" to the bathroom if you know what I mean, when on vacation But very regular I'm back to my familiar surroundings and routine...hope I"m not the only one (and again, excuse the TMI)
I remember a really old polish guy who ran a cobbler shop in my home town. Everyone razzed him because he had a lot of money, and never went anywhere. "Why don't you take a vacation?" they'd ask. And he's answer, "I do! Every weekend. I sit on my front porch with a beer. I'd rather do that than prance all over the world!"
My kind of guy.
Yeah that sounds like a good vacation to me too! Unfortunately, vacations and visits home usually involve lots of stressful intineraries, activities and socializing!
I remember a really old polish guy who ran a cobbler shop in my home town. Everyone razzed him because he had a lot of money, and never went anywhere. "Why don't you take a vacation?" they'd ask. And he's answer, "I do! Every weekend. I sit on my front porch with a beer. I'd rather do that than prance all over the world!"
My kind of guy.
Yeah that sounds like a good vacation to me too! Unfortunately, vacations and visits home usually involve lots of stressful intineraries, activities and socializing!
I guess I'm very lucky in that my dad is pretty much the only family I visit anymore. And he's just like me, so we have a great time just relaxing with each other.
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...
I don't like going places on vacation - I like having time to myself to do nothing or catch up on things I've been meaning to do for a while. Going places is stressful, there's travelling there, then having to get used to new accommodations, then there's sightseeing and crowds. It can be fun, if it's somewhere I'm interested in, but I definitely need time to recover. When I was growing up, my family would force me on their vacations and it was horrible - they seem to think that the success of a vacation is measured by how much crap you see instead of actually enjoying it - I'd spend the entire time arguing and throwing tantrums until the last day, when I'd finally get settled and it was time to go home.

Joined: 14 Sep 2009
Age: 43
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Posts: 1,012
Location: Hertfordshire, UK
As mentioned in a couple of other threads, I'm off to Edinburgh in a few days to visit my father. I haven't been on a trip of this nature for about eleven years and I'm way too used to the creature comforts of home and having my own space. I think the trip will do me good in the long run, but it's going to be a bit of a culture shock.
I never actualy went on a real vacation before. Whenever my parents dragged me along to other states, it was ALWAYS to visit family and I was expected to socialize and be "plesant" and friendly. We NEVER went to a new place for us. My parents enjoyed camping but I HATED it becuase my parents would decide to pack up the RV and go camping at the drop of a hat. I had no way to prepare myself. I also always had to listen to my blabber mouth little neice who was allowed to tag along with me everywhere (I'm actually surprized my parents let me go into the bathroom stall alone) and litteraly would not stop talking and would drive me into sensory overload but when I complained I got in trouble and told off for not being nice. We often went camping in the autum in the middle of the woods and there was always the awful smell of decaying leaves which made me feel natious whenever I went outside. Plus, when your house is so far out in the sticks you cannot have a pizza delivered and you basicaly can't do anything because their is nothing, your life is basicaly camping. I had constant meltdowns the entire trip and my parents say I ruined it for everyone (I got used to being told that as young as four) and eventually realised if they wanted to have a good time, it was best to leave me at home. When my parents got home and told me how much they missed me, I thought they were lying. I ALWAYS hated vacations and when I get a job, I am NEVER taking time off.
I'm not weird, you're just too normal.

Not "TMI" for me! I have really bad IBS, and need to be near a bathroom constantly, which make road trips of any kind a real chore to plan. It's one of the main reasons I would rather just rent a cabin or room somewhere nice, where it's actually pleasant to spend most of the time right there. Gallivanting all over the place, especially on foot, is just NOT fun.
I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...