hale_bopp wrote:
Oh wicked. I have a disease.
I wonder if it can be sexually transmitted.
I'm not going to bother reading the article.
Yes. It's like Life. Thats a sexually transmitted disease.....
Sanity wrote:
When they say disease, are they referring to being autistic, or being female?
I don't know. Either way, boy are they in trouble if I ever meet them..... I can't stand bigots/sexists, and do exactly the same to them as I do to people who claim AS/Autism is a
disease. Now, where did I leave the spatula.....
Nirtii wrote:
Is this a world-wide phenominom or is it just British experts who are so condecending. Every time I read articles about autistism, the way they describe us is a spectrum between lab specimen and space alien. They may subconciously believe autistic people are a disease and that's why they refer to it as such. Lord knows we're treated like pathogens by others most of our lives.
No, its world wide. Anyway, not all British Experts say that......
Believe me. I know. I could be counted as an Expert, I know that much on AS now.
"Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?"