Yeah. Ridiculous wish. But I need to vent.
So I'm sitting at lunch, with my head down, probably looking spaced out, maybe rocking a tiny bit, sort of working my fingers and hands or something, but my brain is grooving on Markov Chains, Baysian networks, scheduling algorithms and wondering if we could use these to optimize the data stream going in and out of the web portal used by our software.
On another channel I'm mapping a linear time sorting algorithm onto an N-ary tree, wondering of the transition from one level to the next is mappable to a binary tree because the steps required to move from one level to another must happen in digital logic even if the abstract representation is not. A side channel off of that is if the decision function for this level transition would work on a quantum computer without having to go through all the binary logic of standard computing.
On a third channel, I'm linking up these Baysian/Markov thingies, this sorting algorithm tree mapping AND generalized symbolic representations of knowledge wondering if there is ANY transition from one set of symbols to another that is not reducible to a binary tree and that any attempt to "speed things up" by using N-ary trees is futile.
Now, I'm pretty sure anyone looking at me thinks I'm just being shy or whatever because I'm not participating in the engaging conversation regarding company stuff, the latest smart phone, the condition of their lawns and the useless homeowner's association, etc, etc, but i truth I am burning up brain cells at a level of abstraction that is in a different universe, and STILL occasionally coming up for air with the socially obligatory comment or too that is in line with whatever it is everyone else is talking about.
Then lunch is over and I get to go back to work where I am privileged to be able to take a list of names and addresses in a spread sheet, run a few filters on it and insert it into a table in a database.
Sometimes I just want to stab my eyes out.
When God made me He didn't use a mold. I'm FREEHAND baby!
The road to my hell is paved with your good intentions.