I understand the extremeness of his reaction very well. I hate people giong through my stuff, ragardless of what I think about the stuff, and heaven help the person who would throw away my possessions. I don't need to be overly attached to them to feel like that. It's very simple, they are my possessions and my to do as I please with.
That said, there are objects I am very attached to. There have been objects I have mourned when they were gone. (My family's first car, the first mix master, our first washing machine, our first oven.) It's not like losing a family member or a beloved pet of course, but it's a sense of sorrow just the same. And yes, I cried.
According to my mother it's not uncommon for females to get attached to things and machines. She is fond of the car we have now, and she has said that she dreads the day she'll have to give it up.
There's a huge difference though, between being attached to things (like I am), and having object(um) sexuality where people wish to marry a thing and thinks the thing likes them back.