Adkit wrote:
That first one isn't working, the channel doesn't exist...?
Also, why are all the favorites you people have females?
Is that just one of those things that aspies do? We prefer to look at something cute? I mean aspie males are kind of known for being... hard on the eyes. But there must be good male aspie videomakers, right?
I think the majority of Aspie videomakers (making multiple videos on AS) on Youtube are females. This is a bit unusual coz majority of people diagnosed with ASDs are male.
Oh there's one more I can think of, I think he was officially diagnosed with HFA instead of AS.
His name is
Arman Khodaei and his Youtube channel is at
Certainly you're not hard on the eyes, and I like the content of your videos
I don't understand how your brother could survive on Welfare in Sweden the entire time if he is unemployed? Isn't the Welfare benefits based on how much "work insurance" you pay when you're working?
Coz I imagine that SEK 320 / day is very little given that Sweden has a very high standard of living...