bakattsura wrote:
Recently, while trying to set up a support group for persons with Asperger's Syndrome at a local hospital, I was told over the phone that "we do not have a pediatric department," implying either that persons with autism do not actually grow up, or that it dissipates after a period of time.
Autism is also classified as a childhood disorder in many psychology textbooks I have come across. This is curious to me as someone whom is now in his mid-twenties. I can understand why the public perceives autism as a childhood disorder; the vast majority of the autistic faces people see in the media are children. But to have it written in a textbook, by actual, trained and practicing psychologists, is confusing.
I'd like to ask if anyone with some background in psychology and human development could shine some light on this for me.
Part of the (phony) sales pitch of (part of) USA medicine for decades included official proclamations such as:
Your child has epilepsy - your child will outgrow it.
Your child has hyperactivity (ADHD - ADD) - your child will outgrow it.
Your child has autism - your child will outgrow it.
Am even aware that some children with cerebral palsy were told they will outgrow it.
My thinking is that some persons in the medical field wanted to get the kids out of their offices in an upbeat way so they implied everything would be outgrown. The medical profession simply systematically fibbed (lied) about it.
The you will outgrow it all certainly implied to a lot of kids that organized medicine has all the answers and it's just a matter of patiently waiting until one reaches the magic age of 18 or 21 only to learn the kids (and their parents) were conned by the system.
The system doesn't care. It got paid to fib (lie).
Let them slip through the cracks until they are 18 or 21 where they can sink or swim in the world of employment.
The above is a private communication.
Tape scene (How the medical system works at times)
...We will disavow any statement ever made that a child will outgrow autism...
Most episodes begin with the leader of the IMF getting orders from a hidden tape recorder and an envelope of photos and information which explains the mission. The tape always begins with "Good Morning Mr. Phelps/Briggs", explains the situation, and ends with "Your mission, should you decide to accept it", with a brief explanation of the goal of the mission, along with a reminder that "As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions." [8] The instructions on the tape were read by voice actor Bob Johnson. At the end of the tape's instructions, Phelps/Briggs would be notified "this tape will self-destruct in five seconds", and smoke would emit from the tape and the instructions were destroyed. In filming, the tapes were not actually destroyed, instead smoke was piped into the tape recorder to create the illusion.
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