draelynn wrote:
I'm not sure how gridding numbers makes this a puzzle. There are 16 blocks and 16 numbers in sequential order. There doesn't seem to be any challenge presented - looking at it initially I assumed it was a sudoku kind of thing. I can see how and why you put the numbers where you did - I'm sure they expected either a random placement or a sequential left to right arrangement, like our reading system. So you put them in a more creative arrangement but still sequential - a touch of thinking outside the box.
Was there any further directions? Any goal other than filling in numbers to observe your process? I'm sorry I'm asking but this just seems incredibly simplistic for an adult test.
Why did you choose to start at the right?
hehehehe... well, if I ever face this particular test I now know how to make them say 'wut?' I may start at the right and follow the outline letting the numbers spiral inward in order. I'm fairly certain many people wouldn't even be able to see the pattern.
well, you are given a picture with a pattern on it, but with no grid lines or anything. you have 16 two-colour loose blocks that you have to arrange to recreate the patterns.
i used a grid to show my method as i didn't know how else to describe the order i placed the blocks. in my head during the test i imagined a grid overlaid on the pattern picture and i manipulated the blocks into the same grid pattern, as the blocks naturally form a grid when laid out. that made it feel easier as i didn't look at the whole picture, i just looked at the individual parts.
i am not even sure if most people complete it left-to-right. she just specified that the systematic or orderly way i was doing it was unusual. i will have to ask the psychologist for clarification, maybe.
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