Well I told my brother but he still doesn't understand what I mean.
I hinted to my mom, she went and told my dad, he then tells me I don't have a disease. (Wanted to say autism isn't a disease....but instead went outside and sat in the rain and took a nap on the rug outside until my parents went to sleep. This occurred after he found out I was leaving my job. My reason was because they were going to fire me which turned out to be true, a few days later they said i could quit earlier than the 4 weeks time I had told them or I would be fired....naturally I took the early two weeks. His thoughts as to why I was quiting was because I thought people were being mean to me, not the case.)
The problem with saying you are autistic is most would think of the extreme and then look at you or someone else who is high functioning and wonder what you are talking about.
Honestly, this is something I am still debating about.
The more I come to understand aspergers the more it matches (Atleast with those on WP, and somewhat with those who right biographys about it.)
Most important thing is that you know whats going on, I JUST moved out of my parents house. This is partly due to me finding out I have aspergers, with that knowledge a lot of clarity about myself has been accomplished. However, what I am doing currently is purely a stroke of luck from the man up above- my rent is $100 right now.... I am renting a room with my brother and two other guys, its a tiny room about the size of an air stream. The bed is located in the ceiling, I don't have a bed yet. So things aren't perfect but I love this little room, though it's dirty and dusty (Working on that...) it does have a lock and I love the solitude I have been afforded. This is only going to last a year though so I have alot of thinking to do and need to take full advantage of this opportunity.
“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”
― George Washington