Do you find having a bath / shower difficult - or the thougt

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21 Sep 2010, 5:00 pm

of one - eg - The hassle?


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21 Sep 2010, 5:10 pm

No- I just get in there, scrub down, rinse get out. It only takes a few minutes unless I shave my legs, then maybe 10 minutes. I use the tub and very warm water. We don't have a shower. I wash my hair on the kitchen sink. If you have sensory difficulties with showering, maybe try a bath instead so you don't have water beating down on you. That is unpleasant, to me. I used to just suck it up but I don't have to now. :D


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21 Sep 2010, 5:25 pm

I HATE water. Being wet is my biggest sensory issue. I can handle baths, even though the thought of them is very unpleasant for me. (Once I'm in there, I'm okay, but getting out and being dripping wet is awful.) But showers? I can't handle them. I HATE getting my face wet, so if I have to use a shower, it must be one with low water pressure that doesn't spray in my face. Why I love baths is because you don't have to get your face wet. I can put my hair but not my face under the faucet.

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21 Sep 2010, 5:26 pm

I don't have a bath, because after it I still feel dirty. I must wash all my dirt off, so I feel disgusted if I bath in it. It's hard to me to have a bath.

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21 Sep 2010, 5:54 pm

Ah this is the source of a lot of my problems. I can't stand the thought of taking a shower... it's a battle with my girlfriend because she expects me to shower everyday. I know on a logical level that is what I'm supposed to do, but I can't make myself get in there. Once I'm in there I'm kind of ok... She usually stays in the bathroom with me or lets me take one of the dogs with me but I have to hurry and wash everything. It doesn't feel good to be in there with the loud water hitting me.


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21 Sep 2010, 7:44 pm

Yes, but there's ways around it. I don't think in most cases it's an excuse to go around being smelly.

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21 Sep 2010, 7:58 pm

Do I find it difficult? Absolutely not, I adore water - I love swimming, hot tubs, and particularly showers. I find it disappointing to leave. It's a great place for me to think because there's no one else around and I can just mull things over without having to worry about someone asking, "What are you thinking about?" or asking me some other question.


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21 Sep 2010, 8:10 pm

I don't have any sensory problems with water and feel lethargic if I am not bathed.

I do run and exercise until I am drenched, and sometimes it is hard for me to force myself to take another shower after you're done when all you want to do is cool down and relax.

I think it is important to at least wash up under your arms and and face at a basin before being around other people. B.O. and poor hygiene have a profound influence on how people see and treat you. :wink:


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21 Sep 2010, 8:23 pm

I don't have any sensory issues with water at all, in fact, I'm self conscious about possible odor so I bathe/shower daily and use deodorant. The only reason why I don't wear perfume that often is out of respect for those who are allergic to artificial scents.

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21 Sep 2010, 8:26 pm

Have to be forced in - I don't care if I smell :)
Big sensory issues - your hair sticks to you, the soap feels gross, the water feels horrible, one side of you is warm, the other is cold. Overall it's a sticky, sweaty experience...
Baths - I can handle them, but I don't fit that well into it :)

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21 Sep 2010, 9:22 pm

Up until the age of 10 years old, I always used to have baths because I did not like washing my hair neither I did not liking having to use a sponge to wash myself.Even My hair did smell even after swimming lessons smelling with chlorine.I shower everyday now but I do use a bath on occasions although it is a little clustrophobic now that I am a adult.


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21 Sep 2010, 9:35 pm

OddDuckNash99 wrote:
(Once I'm in there, I'm okay, but getting out and being dripping wet is awful.)

I don't have sensory issues, so maybe this won't be useful, but you could try taking a hot bath. Hot water evaporates faster, so you won't have as much problem with dripping. Whenever I take a bath with water that's hot enough that I have to ease myself in, I find that by the time the water's drained, I'm already dry (or nearly dry).

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21 Sep 2010, 9:44 pm

I am mostly fine with water as long as it stays off the back of my neck [SHUDDER]. Baths are fine - unless an outsider is somewhere in the house. HATE showers - too hard on my senses.


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21 Sep 2010, 9:45 pm

no I like the water, It is nice to have a warm shower in the winter and cool shower in the summer and swimming in the pool during the summer. I can only have 3 days in a row not to take a shower before I start having BO


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22 Sep 2010, 2:40 am

I have ocd - and have this cleaning rountine -

its seems like such a big hassle - i have to file my nails before, etc

i feel great afterwards- but sometimes i have to make itthe next day - as i just cant be bothered:( :/

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22 Sep 2010, 3:01 am

I love a good hot bubble bath - I find them very relaxing. Showers are ok but they have to be the high power spray ones - I can't stand the ones that dribble water on me and that don't mix the temperature right. When I lived in a bedsit I dreaded them, because I am very sensitive to cold and the temperature of the room seemed freezing to me.

I really hate feeling unclean and get paranoid if I think I smell bad or my hair looks greasy, etc.