alex wrote:
jc6chan wrote:
alex wrote:
I don't think it's that weird to talk into your computer. If people think it's weird, that's their problem. Just do it!
I don't hear other people in the house talk to themselves that much so it just feels weird. Maybe I do have a psychological problem.
If you talk loudly enough they'll realize you're making a video.
Uh not really. Example my 80 year old grandmother would wonder WTF I was doing. Even my42 year old mother would mess that up unless it directly told her. As in they would say 'watt are you doing'. Or wonder and I'd tell them.
Also other ways there would be a lack of Information given on this subject.
Re the op that is understandable hence do it in a quiet oart of the house away from other people or do it when no one else is there. That is what I would do.....
Edit: damn iPad typos....
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!