I've worked sales, was good at it even, I just had trouble with things like having to cold call people and try to finagle their time for a sales pitch. I did in home cutlery demos for a while, I was actually really good at that and won a bunch of merchandise for making so many sales in my first month. I was invested in the product, was proud of it, and my sincerity and enthusiasm came through very clearly. I think I'm not unusual among Aspies in being more comfortable in a social interaction when I have a defined purpose, such as promoting a product, and a "script" to work off of, it takes a lot of the ambiguity out of things. I feel similarly about service work, I'm perfectly comfortable interacting with customers in a business setting because we each have clearly defined roles, I have more trouble making small talk without the ice breaker of the business relationship.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez