Dead right, Alex...
I had the first thought about safety, the standard question about taking WWW exchanges to physical meetings, the quote came to mind to fit that, and then the realisation that that was the "wrong" Dustin Hoffman film...
Fairly typical for my mind, AS or not: get an idea and it runs, often off at a tangent, or branching so much it turns into a tree full of twigs.
(and thus we get lost, from the well-worn path)
I'm in the UK, but if I'd been in striking distance I would have been quite prepared to meet you. Even in Starbucks. It would have been a conversation to look forward to.
(Film and mind, now there's a challenge. A film can do a landscape in one pan shot that a book would struggle to convey in several paragraphs, but a book can account for someone's thinking fairly easily. That's tough on film where the building blocks are surfaces and spoken words.)