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31 Oct 2010, 9:22 am

^Please view the above video. Communication Shutdown is a global programme to raise funds for autism and held on the 1st of November.

Communication is one the triad of impairments in any Autistic Spectrum Disorder (yes, us Aspies too). Although many/most of us are plenty verbal, we invariably do lack in the ability to socially communicate. Unfortunately, with profound ramifications, neurotypicals often 'don't get it' or simply don't many Aspies/ASD individuals are hurt because we tend to communicate differently - or not at all. Remember, social communication is different compared to speaking about an interest or direction, for instance. So, for one day, we ask that neurotypicals shutdown their facebook and twitter. Just stop talking and listen, for once. Think about how that is for us everyday.

Share the video - pass along.

The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Nov 2010, 4:34 pm

Well some people on the spectrum speak too much, I’m told. Usually about one topic.

I’ve decided that I’ve been told to shut up way too many times to ever agree to go along with this ‘communication shutdown’ voluntarily.

Over the last six years I’ve been censored, ridiculed, and even threatened with arrest by the president of my local chapter of Autism Speaks simply for saying the word ‘thimerosal’. ‘Reputable’ organizations such as the Autism Society of America find such treatment perfectly acceptable. There are too many people profiting from the genocide that is the administration of 25 microgram Thimerosal per dose flu vaccines.

Even Ms. Stagliano of Age of Autism is not above censoring comments that threaten her own agenda. Why a ‘communication shutdown day’, Kim? Why, when YOU can shut down anyone whose words pose a threat to your agenda, any time you want to, on your blog? It’s not as though your sponsors care if the truth is being censored. Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed working with and befriending those in power at Autism Speaks. I for one do not intend to shut up, today or in the future, until the truth about what they and you are up to is known.

The epidemic is not going to stop until the lies do.

So by not using Facebook for a day, people are supposed to understand what it is like for those on the spectrum? You know, I wouldn’t laugh, I would instead be inclined to say “yay hurray for trying.” Except for that fact that while your objective is swell, the way you’re going about it is just so very lame.

You really want to know what it’s like to be on the spectrum? I can give you an idea what it’s like to be on the very highest functioning end.

Don’t just stay off of Facebook for a day. Stay off the entire internet. A day isn’t very long but that’s okay -- it’s a start. Now, don’t speak to anyone at all for the entire day, in real life, as well. If somebody has a question for you—like oh say “what time is it?” – you can answer them. Because you are able to communicate. Just not make casual conversation. And so, absolutely no telephone calls, no chit chat in public or at work. NONE. And when you do talk to people, absolutely no looking them directly in the eyes.

Now, there’s one more thing you have to do. And before I say this I want to make it absolutely clear that I’m not saying or implying that people on the spectrum smell bad. But they ARE shunned. And I can think of only one easy way to make it so that you, too, will be shunned all day long. Spray yourself with something that stinks to high heaven. Like maybe that deer repellent that smells like rotten eggs.

Now, go out and face your day. Watch as darn near every last person you encounter makes it plain as the nose on their face that the most important thing is to just GET AWAY FROM YOU asap. It’s not going to be quite the same, because they will no doubt say something to you about why they are so anxious to get away. This would of course never be the case for the person on the autism spectrum.

You, of course, cannot respond in any way to them about why you’re so stinky. You have to pretend that nothing was ever said.

Don’t think I don’t understand that it’s considered in poor taste to say anything that might lead others to believe you think of yourself as a victim. I do. It’s just that there’s something about ‘communication shutdown day’ that makes me not give a rat’s rear end.

Now you have to understand also that this is the experience of the average high functioning individual with autism. The aspie, if you will. I cannot claim to understand what it must be like for those with more severe autism. I cannot claim to understand what it must be like for those people unable to communicate at all except to yell when they’re obviously in pain. Whose bowels are so messed up that they go ten days between bowel movements or have diarrhea incessantly. But I imagine that the difference between the high functioning end of the autism spectrum and the lowest functioning end is very much like the difference between being near sighted and being totally blind.

Silly idea, this staying off of Facebook. But if people should happen to raise some money, I will support what they do on one condition. No hidden agendas. Not on what is said, and not on how the money gets spent.


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01 Nov 2010, 4:41 pm

Noggin should try snoggin. It might take the stress down a few notches.


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01 Nov 2010, 4:47 pm

S' OK, Noggin. And I know precisely what you mean. Essentially (gasp - going to use a metaphor here), you are 'preaching to the choir' if you know what I mean. Yes, I know AS can be mean hyper-verbal - BUT, that's inherently a communication disorder too. Still hard to find an Aspie that actually feels understood and apprciated through their verbal communication.

In any case, hopefully the event means NTs can know a teensy bit, for one day, about being ignored, etc. 'Tis the thought that counts.

The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown