I usually TRY to be early. But somehow, I end up being stressed and anxious and cutting it short at the last minute, most of the time. So I can really relate to this "Mozart and the Whale" thing. I´m not sure really what happens between attempting to be early, but ending up being late instead. Maybe my calculations are just off. Often, it´s just bad luck. And the few times I end up NOT being late, I´m actually ridiculously early....so I say "next time I can leave later".....which is probably how the whole cycle starts in the first place.
What´s odd, though, is that when I´m with other people, they seem totally calm and unstressed about getting to places on time. They look at me like I´m crazy when I worry about being late. They tell me to "just relax", as they mosey along, unhurried. And when I´m with these people, it´s true, we always get there just in time. Which makes me wonder if I just have bad "Punctuality Karma"
"death is the road to awe"