Aimless wrote:
I guess in a way I'm talking about "poise".
poise 1 (poiz)
v. poised, pois·ing, pois·es
To carry or hold in equilibrium; balance.
To be balanced or held in suspension; hover.
1. A state of balance or equilibrium; stability.
2. Freedom from affectation or embarrassment; composure.
I honestly don't know how I come across to those who don't know me at all (strangers, coworkers, etc), though the word "weirdo" has been following me around a lot lately. Those who know me somewhat (family and friends), however, often make references to how I possess these traits. Apparently I come across to them as in-control, composed, calm, and almost ever-patient (if only "patient" started with a C). They even occasionally seek me out for these traits when they're needing some stability, which is flattering if baffling, and have been doing so for years. I do effort to possess these characteristics, but it only goes so deep. The control, composure, calm, and patience are constantly threatening to break. In other words, I allegedly look poised but do not feel it.
I think all people are onions. We each have our own different layers. In regards to this topic, I suppose I'm trying to say that my layers are:
1. ??? (something which seems simultaneously vulnerable and intimidating, from what I've been able to surmise)
2. Patience, control, calm
3. Utter chaos--anxiety, fear, hilarity, and something I've yet to find the name for
4. Patience, calm (how rarely this one surfaces)
"A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it."