In my case, I would probably wind up on automatic myself, if it wasn't for my wife.
She pretty much keeps me on task, and with her kind attention, I can usually switch tasks without being "reminded too many times"
Lists work for me, I just have to remember where the list is, and which one has priority.
If it were up to me, I would get clean dishes out of the dishwasher, put dirty ones in the sink.
When dishwasher gets empty or sink gets full, I run the dishwasher,
then repeat.
In other words, an automatic process that does not require my attention to make it work.
The same with litter boxes - the cats tell me when they need cleaning.
They also tell me when it's food time,
and when it's time for my nap.
I do depend on others to keep the flow going.
I guess if I were on my own, I would get a pda with a loud obnoxious alarm, and do a master list on it.
I would need to make a firm commitment to keep that list up to date, and to move to the priority task when the alarm went off.
Otherwise I would just kind of float in my comfort zone, and not worry about dusty cabinets, plants that need water, and lawn that needs mowing.
Good luck on your situation.
Please share if you discover something that works well for you...
Who said it would be easy? If it was easy, somebody else would have been given the assignment.