Definitely I feel writing is the way to go. Emails are great, too, because if you keep the important ones then it's right there on the screen exactly what you (&/or they) said, time & date, replies back & forth.....
The only problem for me is that I spend way too much time searching for the perfect word, turn of phrase, the exact one way to write something that will really say the truth....
Often far out of proportion to the importance of the email. Like two hours (or even an all-nighter sometimes) to come up with the just perfectly worded two-paragraph email ~ to someone who's going to reply with typos and sentence fragments all over the place. They won't notice their own glaring mistakes... they definitely wouldn't notice mine (if I allowed one to get past me!)
I haven't always been that way. Just the last few years or so. The psychiatrist person that I see has told me she thinks I have developed severe OCD, which she did not see in me before (over the six years or so) . . . based on what I say when she asks me what I've been up to.
And over-writing, over-thinking anything written, is one way it manifests for me.
On that note, I really must click "submit" now.
ETA: I do realize I used sentence fragments and criticized others for using them ~~ both in this very post. To clarify, when I do it, it's intentional, because I'm writing informally, more like how I would speak.... I was referring to people who unintentionally omit chunks of what they meant to write, and don't care.