PangeLingua wrote:
I've seen a lot of people saying that they try to act NT in public, but I'm curious what this means to you
A handful of people who knew me would believe if I told them I had some kind of "social disability"
- what exactly do you do to try to blend in?
First, mimetism, copying, acting NT, does not work
Because at some point your attention would weaken and you would say or act totally wired. Your overall behavior will look strange to say the least.
It starts with you, you need to accept and work with your weaknesses. You will behave naturally and your performance will look flawless. Start to list your problems and turn them inside out.
- You have problems making friends. Help people you can help without expecting anything in return, it will become your first step without you realizing it. But keep in mind that 5 real friends is what people will make in their entire lives.
- You have a problem to make eye contact, don't. While you speak or someone speaks to you, keep your sight in the far, just pretend you are listening carefully, use "umh, umh" acknowledgments, close your eyes a little... it is very easy. Only briefly watch the person in the eye when you or he concludes a sentence.
These tweaks are good to find your place among NTs. You will have your own traits, qualities and flaws. You will naturally find your place in NT groups. But you will still be you and the other will like you because of your difference
DISCLAIMER: I pushed the tweaking to the max, trying to become NT (without me knowing what a "NT" or an "aspie" was at the time) and I realized it was as dumb as watching "Fight Club" from finish to start: You start wanting to blow the world and you end buying IKEA furniture. It has to be an aesthetic fix only.
Last edited by SuperApsie on 11 Oct 2010, 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.