Xeno wrote:
Absolutely not. I wish I'd known what it was all along. After having a completely miserable childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, and after seeing unprofessional, incompetent, podunk psychiatrists for nearly a decade (and getting filled with countless combinations of excessive anti-depressants and anti-psychotics that made my health, both mental and physical, worse), I finally got some relief when I was officially diagnosed for Asperger's. I finally understood what I've been affected by my whole life and started figuring out better ways to cope. If I'd never found out what I'm affected by and why I have the difficulties I have, I probably would've ended up jumping in front of a train.
Similar with me. I was shunned and yelled at and led to believe that all of things about myself that I could not control were my own fault and that people deserved to treat me as less of a human being as a result. The guilt got to me so much that several suicide attempts were made in the process and throughout high school I was warped of all self esteem. Now I see that the people who blamed me...the people who called themselves my friends in fact abusing me and taking advantage of me when it was clear that I was not like other people and that I may have some sort of condition. I had a missed chance for a possible AS diagnosis before high school if my dad hadnt been so stubborn about me getting counseling and forbade me from getting it. I could've entered high school a happier and much more confident person if I had known about my AS before then.
In fact I would probably be dead from suicide a billion times by now if I have never gotten my diagnosis.