was diagnosed with adhd, ocd, and mild autism at age 7, no meds. was put on behavior charts atschool and at home. couldnt sit still in class, couldnt keep stuffclean or remember to do anything at the right time. shouted out answers and called other kids slow and stupid. i got put into special art classes while my peers worked, it took me seconds to do all my homwork, i had so much free time,... so i enjoyed pissing people off...
after they stopped havingme in art class as an alternative way to spend my free time in grade skool, since i did my work in 1/60 the time as other students.. i started trying drugs,,, in 4th grade... never stopped, never knew about any condition i had, until college. and i pissed off every teacher i had. theni drop
i mnot sure what happened to me but i was so fast and so smart then, maybe i should see a pysh now, never tried meds to help me focus. but thats always been a problem i could overcome by getting super f****n pissed off. and doing something different..
whichis why i have 170 univesity credits, in almost every field of stufy... but nothing towards 1 specific thing, i choose to do it. that way, i was curious to know about everything,not just 1 thing, seemed stupid to me to study 1 thing, college should teach people everything like high school, just more diffucilt ya KNOW????