The iconic test for Theory of Mind is the one by Uta Frith. So I looked it up, read about it learned how it works, all in typical hyper-focused fashion. Then I finally found a version of it online. If you are unaware of it, it is basically a cartoon storyboard of two girls, a basket, a box and a ball. The first girl puts the ball in the basket and leaves the scene. The second girl moves the basket into the box. The second girl comes back into the scene. The question at this point is where will she look for the ball first, the basket or the box. The correct answer is the basket, since that is where she put it and was not there when the other girl moved it to the box.
So, having read about this test, KNOWING the right answer, understanding WHY the answer was right, the first time I actually saw the images I figured it was pointless to even bother looking at it. A psychological test is often useless when you know the intended purpose and the meaning of the answers. But I was curious so i looked at the thing and ran each frame of the cartoon through my head like a little movie. When I got to the last frame I automatically "created" the next one in my mind. Lo and behold, the little biotch looked in the box first. HOLY FREAKING WOW.HOW DO YOU FAIL A TEST FOR WHICH YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER?
It would appear that decoupling my verbalization and going strictly visual bypassed my logic. Even though I 'reasoned' the ball was in the basket, the first impulse was that it was in the box.
Apparently, even after 52 years of living, my Theory of Mind still has issues.
And I'm thinking this eliminates all doubt as to my status on The Spectrum. It only remains to determine where on The Spectrum I reside.
No wonder I feel so different. I am indeed an alien in this world.