kraftiekortie wrote:
I think you're very bright. It is quite possible that your verbal IQ doesn't represent your true intelligence because of cultural biases within IQ tests.
Just because my verbal IQ is low, your right, it doesn't affect my intelligence at all, the verbal IQ just says that i am slow of understanding language, this causes issues in reading and writing and also difficulty in understanding whats being said to me. I often forget what someone has said to me within a few seconds, this is why i have echolalia. I also need to watch movies multiple times to understand the dialogue, or the dialogue wont make sense to me. But it doesnt mean im stupid, im still able to read to an extent, i can talk and type so im getting along fine, im just not at the level my peers are.
Obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog since 2009
Diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome in 2012.
Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1 severity without intellectual disability and without language impairment in 2015.