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Joined: 14 Aug 2010
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26 Oct 2010, 9:18 am

I saw a section for other psycological conditions but not one for other neurological conditions comorbid with Austism - so I posted here

Since 25-30% of us also have epilepsy, I thought this might be interesting!

I have been reading about glasses for photosensitive epilepsy: ... ensitivity

I have come across two makers of such tinted lenses:
these guys claim coloured lenses will also help people with Asperger's along with several other target groups

I spoke also with an optomitrist here in Alberta:
Spectacular Optical
322 McLeod Ave., P.O. Box 5153
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Cananda T7X3A3
Office: (780) 962-9208

who supports the Ziess tinted lenses mentioned in the first link.

I am interested in knowing if others have tried this rout, what their results were with Irlen or with Ziess lenses.

My understanding is the Irlen Lenses require extensive screening and customization and can run as high as $1500 CAN where as the Ziess are only for epilepsy so they issue the lense that they tested in the study - no additional assesments and significantly cheaper (only $200 CAN)