I would have been ashamed to admit watching the new version of The Batman at any age - it tries to be a cross between Batman: the Animated Series (well-written, with generally good voice acting) and the old Batman TV series from the Sixties (high camp). It fails at both, IMO.
If I were ashamed to admit to watching the cartoons at all, though, I couldn't tell people about one of my favorite TV lines (in Superman: the Animated Series, one of the bad guys has a high-tech weapon being dealt to Intergang, originating from the planet Apokalips. He points it at Supes, who shakes his head and says, "You know, that's been tried before."). I would also have missed the moment, in one of the early Justice League Unlimited episodes, in which the writers had Supergirl refer to Captain Atom as "Captain Stick-Up-His-" (at that moment, the conversation was interrupted).
And what kind of person is ashamed of watching old Bugs Bunny cartoons? Half of the writing went over your head when you were a kid!
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.