Crabs_the_Warthog wrote:
You guys are the trolls, because I spent hours studying this stuff! And how do you know changing your diet doesn't work if you've never tried it! I've looked up a lot of success stories about this and a lot of videos on youtube where autism is completely cured and / or getting better, so ha!
A skeptic does not a troll make.
It's simple really. How many times does one have to have another attempt to separate their money from their wallet with promises of a cure before they become jaded and overly cautious?
If you are sincere, you will continue to post your experiences and progress, and having endured the slings and arrows of our skepticism, actually gain some respect. If you are really just promoting a cure in a obfuscatory manner vis a vis presenting yourself as autistic (when for all we know you are some hack in a call center - this is the internet you know, you could be) then you will fold up your tent and leave post haste.
The choice is yours. Endure the barrage of incredulity for a while, or your take your toys and go home.