CaptainTrips222 wrote:
Yeah, that's part of why I'm a little ticked off. The person who referred me said she was "good" and she dealt with things like this all the time. I feel I was mislead.
For health problems, I've had to deal with a lot of doctors over the last 20 years, and I've always found it hard to get good information about them. My experience is that is that people tell you who has been good
for them, without thinking about how your situation may be different. There's this common idea that if a doctor is good at one thing, s/he must be good at everything. I.e. good with ASC kids doesn't necessarily meant good with ASC adults.
I've had to argue with a cardiologist before (and it turned out I was right; and it was important) -- so try not to be too intimated by them. Your life can be damaged for decades because of their mistakes, whereas their lives will not. No one will ever be as concerned about your life as you. So, keep trying to make your case, to people who know what they're doing (as best as can be determined, anyway).