Well, maybe Aspies are more likely to have their own set of values rather than just buying into the social norm, so if that's the case then that would possibly make them more likely to commit a crime. I myself don't (for example) hold with the common idea that stealing as such is simply wrong. Add to that the resentment against "society" that many Aspies are encouraged to feel (because of all the bullying and discrimination), and you'd think we'd quite readily turn to crime.
On the other hand, our liking for order and for clear-cut rules may push us the other way. Also, in as far as crime involves deception, we may get tripped up by pathological honesty and poor social imagination. Also we're often the kind of people the police might be suspicious of, if our body language or way of communicationg doesn't look quite right.
Personally I've not indulged in a lot of crime. A bit of shoplifting when I was a young teenager....I wasn't very good at it, and kept getting caught. I also possessed a flick knife for a while, though I never used it. Somebody gave it to me and I didn't like to throw it away. There's nothing else of any importance.
My attitude to lawbreaking is probably unusual. I don't really recognise the law as a moral code, and I don't feel any animosity towards law-breakers as such - I don't much care whether the law is broken or not, though there's some correlation between what is illegal and what I consider to be bad behaviour. Just that the correlation isn't particularly strong.
But I do get steamed up about petty rule-breaking sometimes. Motorists parking on pavements, breaking the finer points of the Highway Code, chavs breaking the peace, queue-jumping, etc. I've often wondered if I could egg a few cars and graffiti a few doors to show them they can't get away with what they've done, but se far I've help myself back......the logical risks seem too great.