MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.
I've been told before, but I also notice I often come up with "big pictures" of things other people miss. I think we have problems with "the big picture" because of the "the" aspect, namely the "commonsensical" view in society that there is a single correct interpretation of the data that everyone is expected to automatically come up with. I'm always making lots of potential "big pictures"(theories) all the time.
I think there is no single difference. Should check out the thread I started. I think it's likely that any brain differences will lead to an ASD if it adds up enough. I know one Aspie where we have lots in common and another who I find harder to understand than most neurotypicals and it's not even related to functioning as we're all functioning pretty good.