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15 Nov 2010, 8:44 am

What is the differnce between how an NTs preceives the world and how an AS person does?

i think its a lot more colorful the way aspies interpret the world.

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15 Nov 2010, 9:32 am ... ?f=12&t=12

If this doesn't answer the question, then I don't know what does.


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15 Nov 2010, 11:07 am

I suspect that nobody could reaaly answer this question - no NT could know exactly how Aspies preceive the world, ano no Aspie can really know how NTs preceive the world


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15 Nov 2010, 8:28 pm

People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.


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15 Nov 2010, 9:08 pm

MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.

This is very true for me.


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16 Nov 2010, 3:41 am

TPE2 wrote:
I suspect that nobody could reaaly answer this question - no NT could know exactly how Aspies preceive the world, ano no Aspie can really know how NTs preceive the world

And since no one is truly the same individual, no one can really perceive the world the same way I guess.


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16 Nov 2010, 3:55 am

MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.

Well said.


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16 Nov 2010, 4:13 am

MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.

Very true. Probably why the more NT people in my biology class love studying organs and systems, while I hate it - the big picture is irreducible and boring.

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16 Nov 2010, 4:18 am

I'm probably more confused and overwhelmed by the world. But I see the beauty in nature and get lost in it. Not sure if it's the same for an NT with hardly any social problems, is employed and independently taking cares of themselves.
Someone once asked Michio Kaku (astrophysicist) if when he looks at the world can he only see physics? He answered yes. I'm like that.

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16 Nov 2010, 11:14 am

samsa wrote:
MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.

Very true. Probably why the more NT people in my biology class love studying organs and systems, while I hate it - the big picture is irreducible and boring.

Same for me. I *probably* don't have AS but I was diagnosed with a type of ADHD that is similar and I have a very hard time staying focused on the bigger picture, I always get lost in my specific interests.


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16 Nov 2010, 5:41 pm

MotownDangerPants wrote:
People with AS generally see deatils and parts of the picture easily while having a difficult time grasping and staying focused on the big picture.

I've been told before, but I also notice I often come up with "big pictures" of things other people miss. I think we have problems with "the big picture" because of the "the" aspect, namely the "commonsensical" view in society that there is a single correct interpretation of the data that everyone is expected to automatically come up with. I'm always making lots of potential "big pictures"(theories) all the time.

I think there is no single difference. Should check out the thread I started. I think it's likely that any brain differences will lead to an ASD if it adds up enough. I know one Aspie where we have lots in common and another who I find harder to understand than most neurotypicals and it's not even related to functioning as we're all functioning pretty good.