daysleeper wrote:
i'm not sure if this going to ring a bell with anyone, but has anyone here ever been prescribed or taken amphetamines as a means of coping with issues symtomatic of their AS and/or ADHD?
care to share your experience?
what are your thoughts on stimulant drugs and the non-neurotypical mind?
The right stimulant - alerting agent - does work for a few persons a little (not everyone). You might consider taking a look at accounts like Remarkable Medicine by Jack Dreyfus (about the epilepsy medicine Dilantin), the How To (understand) Hyperactivity book (1981) about ADHD Inattentive by C. Thomas Wild (about Tirend, NoDoz - two FDA approved alerting agents containing caffeine), as well as reports by some persons with narcolepsy and how the new medicine Provigil/Nuvigil helps them a little (not a cure).