Casual Sims players may deliberately kill Sims, but you get past that in, oh, about two hours of play. If you go past that, you are very unlikely to be repeatedly killing them off because it's just not very interesting to do so.
Common play styles among Sims hobbyists include:
--Storytelling, or using the Sims game as a video maker or using the screenshots to tell a story in slideshow format. The video in the original post is mediocre in quality, at best. For an example of a well-made Sims video, try this one (it's a re-make of the Thriller music video):
[youtube][/youtube]For a slideshow format story, try:
Alice and Kev.
It's a relatively realistic simulation of homelessness made in Sims 3.
Other stuff people like to do with Sims:
--The Legacy challenge, in which you attempt to keep a Sims family going through ten generations, while trying to acquire milestones like top-level businesses, Lifetime Wants (lifetime goals that sims randomly pick, like having ten children or becoming a mad scientist), or establishing a new breed of dogs or cats.
--The Apocalypse challenge, in which Sims start without most of the comforts of life and gradually work to get them back. It can be brutal at first, but the goal is to win, not to kill sims (and actually it gets much harder; if you kill a sim, his ghost comes back to scare your living sims, and that's a Bad Thing because one of the Apocalypse rules forbids moving headstones.) By the end of the challenge, you have gotten at least one sim to the top of every available career.
--Creating customized clothing, skintones, hair, objects, etc., for Sims. This takes some image-editing and computer know-how but is actually pretty easy. What's difficult, of course, is designing them so that they're pretty and usable.
There are a great many challenge games out there, from the very popular 7 Toddler Challenge (one sim trying to raise seven toddlers--hello, chaos!!) to the Bachelor Challenge, in which you have seven days to get one sim to fall in love with one of seven other sim contestants--with extremely limited interference on your part. 7 Toddlers and Apocalypse are probably two of the hardest challenges out there, but for those who like the fluffy, easy living, Legacy families are usually millionaires several times over by the end of their ten generations.
Yeah, I like playing Sims. It's fun.
I've even completed an Apocalypse. I don't recommend Sims 3, though; Sims 2 is much more customizable, less buggy, less of a resource hog, and you don't get the somewhat uncanny-valley look that Sims 3 sims tend to verge on.