Plywood wrote:
Not everybody can do everything perfect.
This forum throws out a bunch of details that aren't necessarily important for anything. Like face blindness. How many faces do you need to to remember? You do not need to remember everyone, just the people that are important.
Try not recognizing two colleagues at work are separate people, for a month and see how angry they get. They wore a uniform, had similar hair and body styles. Even after going to the effort of memorizing aspects of their face that I can use from a company database of photos, I cannot recognize them fast enough to use their name in a greeting, so they still think i cannot tell them apart.
even recognizing people who are important, If I'm not in a situation that i expect them, it will take me a long time to recognize my own family. I have walked by my own brothers and parents, many times within only a couple feet, I will not recognize them until they stop me. If they get a drastic haircut or gain/lose weight it feels like they are strangers.
The first girl I ever asked out was not the person I thought I was talking to.
Yes in the larger scheme of things it is a small problem, yet there are times when it is very annoying.