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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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12 Nov 2010, 7:02 pm

What are your fears? rational or irrational it dosnt matter.
I'm a bit of a coward but mine are:
The Dark.
Loud Unexpected Noises.
Deep water where you cant see the bottom.
Being attacked/mugged.
My reflection in the mirror (dont know why my face creeps me out...?)
Fear of people hiding in my room
Looking in the mirror and seeing somone/something behind me like in the movies always scares me
I have alot more but i cant think of them right now.


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12 Nov 2010, 7:18 pm

I have agoraphobia, so I guess that counts for a lot of fears - mainly, fear of people as I see it.
I've been afraid that people I love might die since I can remember. I recall lying in my bed at my grandmother's house at night when I was really young, maybe 3 or 4 years old and making emergency plans about what I ought to do if she died. I couldn't sleep for hours out of fear that it might actually happen any second.
Also, I have a fear of pets dying too so I am at the vet's door at the tiniest hint that something might be wrong.
Also, I dread all-female gatherings of any sort.


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12 Nov 2010, 7:57 pm

Being homeless
Getting beaten up
Being kidnapped and/or raped
People I talk to on the Internet coming to my house and killing me and/or my family members
God's wrath
Going to Hell


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12 Nov 2010, 8:01 pm

I found this video interesting, especially the part at 4.30 onward.


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12 Nov 2010, 8:11 pm

The dark
NT teens in my area
Being homeless
Not having enough money
Strangers finding out my gender
Swimming in the middle of a deep lake without a life jacket

The Family Enigma


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12 Nov 2010, 8:14 pm

Driving on freeways
Complete silence
Public speaking
Being in an unfamiliar place by myself


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12 Nov 2010, 8:17 pm

-People breaking into my house
-Something happening to someone in family/a friend/a pet
-Getting schizophrenia


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12 Nov 2010, 9:24 pm

My fears are frequently so odd I'm a bit embarrassed to list them. They sound institution-worthy. :(

More normal ones often involve horrific car accidents.
Some sort of terminal illness - though I think I'm moving away from this one lately.

Now my most realistic fear is getting to the end of my life spiritually no better than I was when I started. That would be such a waste.


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12 Nov 2010, 9:29 pm

A better question would be: what am I not afraid of? Just about everything.

I don't have one.


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12 Nov 2010, 9:36 pm

I'm actually more afraid of roller coasters than I am of death.

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12 Nov 2010, 9:44 pm

having the IRS come after me again, going to prison (uh no thanks!) could you imagine a skinny autistic nerd joining a prison gang? oh really now. :roll:

dogs, dying and driving. gotta keep it real you know! :pig:

Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light


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12 Nov 2010, 10:00 pm

billybud21 wrote:
A better question would be: what am I not afraid of? Just about everything.

I have a very young cousin who was afraid of pine needles for a long time - I mean just pine needles that are lying about on the ground. Strangest thing. :chin:


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12 Nov 2010, 10:14 pm

When I was a kid, I was deathly afraid of the house burning down, because of those fire safety presentations. I used to keep my most precious things in my pillow case so I could grab it and take it with me if the house was on fire. I grew out of that though. XD

Now I'm afraid of people breaking in, carbon monoxide poisoning, and driving (though I do it; I'm just always quite sure some idiot on a cell phone is going to kill me).


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12 Nov 2010, 10:18 pm

Being the first post on the next page.

Yes! I just made it!

Actually I have a fear of water, heights, spiders, the dark, crossing roads, etc.

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13 Nov 2010, 12:06 am

happymusic wrote:
billybud21 wrote:
A better question would be: what am I not afraid of? Just about everything.

I have a very young cousin who was afraid of pine needles for a long time - I mean just pine needles that are lying about on the ground. Strangest thing. :chin:

Ok, that even surpasses me. Although, irrationality is trait well worth perfecting I think. So, let me ruminate on the pine needles for a while and I might just become fearful.

When I was in high school, I used to deliver papers for a friend when he was out of town or sick. Now, I was out at like 3:30am in the morning and the thing that scared me the most -- trucks. No, not pickups, but tractor trailers. I used to hide in the bushes when they would drive by ... sorta a Maximum Overdrive (the movie based on the Stephen King novel) -- but with out killer trucks ... or were they? *shakes in fear and runs into bed*

I don't have one.


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13 Nov 2010, 12:15 am

being impaled
losing my grip
losing various body parts-teeth, parts of fingers, etc.
becoming invisible
opposite sex
not knowing what to say
heights (what makes skydiving and climbing so awesome)
the times when I seem to become agoraphobic increase in length and one day won't end
going and seeing
that I will be a moment too late to make a difference
accidentally harm someone
fall asleep behind the wheel

I don't know about you guys, but fear is probably my biggest motivating factor. Fear must have a temptation component to it that pulls me towards wanting to experience it.