CockneyRebel wrote:
I think that you should go and have a good time.
Thanks, no doubt I will. The band playing is kind of my own 'Kinks.'
RN wrote:
I get like this too sometimes (strangely never when its for work.. my job is pretty much going somewhere new every day!). I always find a dry run helps massively as it removes a few unknowns from the process. Looking at photos / google street view helps.. but a proper dry run always seems to help more.
If you can somehow get access to the place without the usual number of people there it would be even better. But I'm guessing thats not really possible.
And finally. Remember you can always just leave if it gets too much for you. Friends should understand you might need to get away from it.
I checked out photos and that caused me to panic. Just getting my mind off it helped.
No doubt the days leading up to it will be full of uncertainty.
We might get to the venue early and probably eat inside. That can ease nerves.
I told my friend how I felt and I'm waiting to hear back. We share a lot of personal stuff dealing with anxiety.
I do love this band and they know me (I'm not sure how much they remember about me though). I've not had a good track record at their gigs though. Their road manager always gets concerned about me. But it's in a 'don't you dare interrupt this show again' kind of way.
another_1 wrote:
pensieve wrote:
I'm always scared about going to new places. I'n two days I'm going to a town I've never been to before and an RSL club I've never been inside of.
I wonder if I just pretended I was going back there if I would feel more comfortable?
My friends will be there with me. They will protect me from the evil unknowingness, right?
you know you better than any of us, but I'm not sure this would work. It could kid of set you up for an unpleasant "surprise" when you get there and are faced with the fact that where you are isn't where you prepared yourself to go. (if that makes sense)
And yes. That's what they're there for!
Thing is I kind of know that it won't work. Looking at photos made it worse. And I just know that I won't feel right until I'm actually in there.